MealSync Icon


Meals are a corner-stone of community, "Everyone Eats". SyncPlate focuses on bringing more collaboration to the dinner-making process. SyncPlate achieves better collaboration through easily-sharable recipes, shared meal plans, and real-time grocery lists (for those simultaneous multi-store shopping trips).

Has SyncPlate been released yet?

SyncPlate has not been released to the public just yet. To be approved for publishing on the Google Play Store, we have to run a closed test with a minimum of 12 testers who have been opted-in for at least 14 days continuously.

So, if you are interested in helping shape the future of this app through feedback. Consider participating in our closed beta. Email if you are interested.

Will SyncPlate be available on IOS?

SyncPlate is coming to android in early January 2025, but getting on the Apple App Store will take a little longer. But the good news, SyncPlate is already IOS compatible! So once we secure and validate the funding for app store registration, Meal Sync will be coming to IOS

What are the main features?


SyncPlate's core revolves around storing and managing your recipes.

Meal Planning

SyncPlate helps plan meals for families of all sizes, from solo cooks to large households. Gone are the days of hearing, "What's for dinner?" SyncPlate makes meal planning a collaborative effort, so everyone can have input.


I've said it before, Meals are a corner-stone of community: "Everyone Eats". SyncPlate bolsters collaboration through easily-sharable recipes, shared meal plans, and real-time grocery lists (for those simultaneous multi-store shopping trips).

How is SyncPlate Different?

SyncPlate is local-first while still offering features to backup, share and connect. A major benefit of our local-first model is that SyncPlate is one of the only apps offering an unlimited number of free local recipes.

Release Plan


Stage 1 - Beta Release

(Android)January 20th

The App will release in a semi-finished stage that focuses on the local-first features. To be approved for publishing on the Google Play Store, we have to run a closed test with a minimum of 12 testers who have been opted-in for at least 14 days continuously.

If you are interested in participating in the closed beta. Email

Stage 2 - Local-Only With Ads

(Android)Febuary 10th

Once the closed test is completed, SyncPlate will be publicly released on Android with Local-Only features. The lack of server costs plus the addition of Ads will help start the initial app funds.

Stage 3 - Account Integration & Funding


Based on the success of the first stage, Account integration (as well as user-feedback) will be integrated. Accounts will start with a free-tier, and a premium tier. The premium tier, along with the Ads, will be used to support the server costs of the app and build towards funding the Apple App Store Registration Fee.

Stage 4 - IOS Release

(IOS & Android)TBD

Once the app has secured the funding for the yearly Apple App Store Registration Fee, an IOS version of the app will be released.

Stage 5 - Full Release

(IOS & Android)TBD

The full release will include final adjustments based on user feedback, enhanced usability, and design improvements.